the Kicks
Interview 1
JiBMonkey: Have you ever potki a guy in the balls?
Girl1: yes
JiBMonkey: How many times?
Girl1: 3
JiBMonkey: how old were you the first time?
Girl1: 14
JiBMonkey: Describe what happened
Girl1: I was walking down the street and this old ass man grab my but so I potki him in the balls.
JiBMonkey: hehe, awesome..hyvä liike
Tyttö1: joo
JiBMonkey: polvistuitko vai potkaisitko?
Tyttö1: potki vaikka Jos u polvi se sattuu enemmän
JiBMonkey: polvisitko kaksi muuta kertaa teit sen?
Girl1: yeah
JiBMonkey: miten opit ensin potkun voimasta palleille?
Girl1: my father said if a boy trying to touch ya u should potkaise him in the nuts
JiBMonkey: ahh…hyvä isällinen neuvo….millainen tunne tulee, kun potkii miestä?
Girl1: I get this incredible sense of power, it ’ s like a rush
JiBMonkey: so tell me about the other two times you did it, when you kned them.
Girl1: same reason, just different guys
JiBMonkey: Mitä mieltä olet koko aiheesta?
Girl1: boys need to get potked in the balls sometimes
Interview 2
JiBMonkey: Have you ever potki a guy in the balls?
Girl2: Yes
JiBMonkey: How many times?
Girl2: 2 or 3
JiBMonkey: how old were you the first time you did it?
Girl2: 10
JiBMonkey: kuvaile mitä tapahtui.
Girl2:I was playing soccer and I accidently potki a guy in the balls
JiBMonkey: How Did you react?
Girl2: nauroin
JiBMonkey: Have you ever done it on purpose?
Girl2: lol, yea
JiBMonkey: Polvistutko vai potkaisetko?
Girl2: kick, it causes more pain
JiBMonkey: Tell me about the last time you did it.
Girl2: it waz yesterday, this guy was dissing my best friend so I Gent up to say Moy and potki him in the balls
JiBMonkey: Did you potki him as hard as you could?
Girl2: lol yea
JiBMonkey: How did you first learn about kicking balls?
Girl2: my brother, he used to tell me about all the times it happened to him
JiBMonkey: Have you ever done it just for the hell of it?
Girl2: yep
JiBMonkey: How many times?
Girl2: 2
JiBMonkey: Eikö olekin hauskaa?
Girl2: lol yea
Interview 3
JiBMonkey: Have you ever potki a guy in the balls?
Girl3: Yep
JiBMonkey: How many times?
Girl3: 2 tai 3
JiBMonkey: how old were you the first time you did it?
Girl3: 10, 12, 13
JiBMonkey: Describe what happened to cause you to potkaise a guy
Girl3: he cried
JiBMonkey: What happened to cause you to potkaise him?
Girl3: he was being a jackass
JiBMonkey: How did you first learn about potkiminen guys’ balls?
Girl3: my sister
JiBMonkey: Did she tell you something?
Tyttö3: hänen mukaansa he ansaitsivat sen
JiBMonkey: oletko samaa mieltä?
Tyttö3: joskus…
JiBMonkey: Sometimes?
Tyttö3: ok…suurimman osan ajasta
JiBMonkey: lol…Do polveen vai potkuun?
Girl3: kick…vaikka en tiedä kumpi 1 sattuu enemmän
JiBMonkey: Oletko koskaan tehnyt sitä vain helvetin takia?
Girl3: Yep
JiBMonkey: millaisen tunteen saa kun potkii kaveria?
Girl3: I feel powerful…lol
JiBMonkey: So what ’ s your over all view on the whole topic?
Girl3: tykkään potkia jätkiä palleille…
JiBMonkey: cool, thank you
Girl3: thank U
Interview 4
JiBMonkey: Have you ever potki a guy in the balls?
Girl4: yea once
JiBMonkey: What happened?
Girl4: me my bf(we dont go out anymore tho)ja My friend were at my house whatching t.v. and I got up to use the vessa well when i got back I saw them kissing so I cussed her out and made her go home and then i cussed him out and potki him in the balls and I sent him home.
JiBMonkey: polvistuitko vai potkaisitko?
Girl4: kick
JiBMonkey: How did you first learn about potkiminen guys’ balls?
Tyttö4: mmmm kun olin 14 olin koulussa ja näin nämä kaverit taistelevat ja yksi kaverit gf hyppäsi ja potkaisi toinen kaveri palleille ja kaveri kaatui ja ei nouse lil aikaa ja niin päätin tehdä että minun ex
JiBMonkey: kun se tapahtui, miten ihmiset reagoivat?
Girl4: useimmat nauroivat
JiBMonkey: Miksi luulet, että useimmat tytöt tykkäävät potkia jätkiä palleille?
Girl4: mmm I dunno I think it ’ s funny to watch them lay there on the floor w/tears in there eyes
JiBMonkey: Would you ever do it for the hell of it?
Girl4: sure lol maybe